
I’m a twentysomething woman from India with a passion for food.

I’ve wanted to write about food and lifestyle for a long time now, but never really got around to doing it… and after much procrastination and hesitation, I finally started this blog.

Why Masala Art? Well, because a masala is a mixture or blend of spices. And the recipes you will find here are a blend of different cuisines and styles. Apart from food, I also love (in no particular order) my baby boy, my husband, books, shopping, fashion magazines and Audrey Hepburn. So you will also come across some non-food posts every once in a while, spanning my ‘other’ loves. After all, a blog is a space where you can write pretty much whatever you want, right? This blog is my signature masala blend of all things nice 🙂

I hope to publish posts as frequently as I can. I also hope you will visit every once in a while 🙂

I would love to hear from you! Comments, questions, feedback, anything at all. Please email me at masalaart360@gmail.com. I promise to write back 🙂

Did I mention that I do not shy away from excessive emoticon use? 😛

24 thoughts on “About

  1. Your blog is really lovely! Look forward to looking through more of your recipes! When I met my husband, he introduced me to Indian cuisine, which is now my favourite. Even our four year old son now declares, “I want Indian for supper!”

    Sophia 🙂

  2. Hello Meenakshi
    Thanks for your lovely comment on my little blog. I just thought I would let you know that my blog has moved and is now bighungrygnomes.co.uk. Unfortunately, if you want to remain subscribed to my blog, you will have re-subscribe to this new address. I realise this is a little bit of a nuisance but I would really appreciate your continuing support and interest in my blog

  3. OOo I’m excited about your blog Meena! I adore Indian food and masala is most definitely art. Have you seen my friend’s blog at thepatternedplate.wordpress.com? She is from Kerala too and has some amazing stuff on there 🙂

    • Thanks a lot Preena! I just love how yout adapt your recipes. I’m going to make some of that coconut chai hot cocoa this week. Happy New Year to you and your family 🙂

Comments are yummy :)